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Sexually transmitted diseases (S.T.D.) :

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections that are passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The causes of STDs are bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viruses. Infections are often without symptoms, this is why it's very important to make a blood test if you toke a risk.

What's a risk ? Here below, you can find the different modes of transmission :








You can do a STD test in our center. This is a simple blood test. All you have to do is to make an appointment with one of our Doctors. After one week, you'll have to come back and the Dr will give you the results.

Be careful, it's always necessary to wait a certain time, after the taking of risk, in order to be able to detect the infection. To be sure to test every infection, we advice you to wait 6 weeks after the risk.




























Currently, there are free and rapid AIDS screenings that can be done 3 months after taking risk: the TROD.

By clicking on this link, find the list of all TROD family planning services (currently, we don't do it yet in our center):



STD sexually transmitted diseases modes of transmission
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infection sexuellemet tranmissible MST IST
test STD screening sexually transmitted disease screening
brochure maladie infection sexuellement transmissible

Vous avez contracté une I.S.T. ? Prévenez votre/vos partenaire(s). Si vous avez des difficultés à leur(s) dire, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous : il s'agit d'un outil gratuit qui prévient anonymement les partenaires en cas d'I.S.T.

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Planning Saint-Josse asbl
(anciennement "La Famille Heureuse")
Centre laïque de planning familial


Place Quetelet, 4
à 1210 Saint-Josse

tél: 02/217.44.50
(aucune prise de rendez-vous par email)


n° d'entreprise : 0409 535 879

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