There are different ways to have sexual intercourse without risking a pregnancy. Regular contraception methods can be :
- hormonal: pill, patch, implant, ring, injection, hormonal IUD,...
- non-hormonal: copper IUDl, internal or external condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, vasectomy, thermal ring, heat-based contraception...
Emergency contraception include the morning-after pill (up to 5 days after the ; free in planning) and the copper IUD (placed within 7 days - requires a medical appointment).
Click on this link to find all the information on each contraceptive method :
Click on the link below to read more about heat-based contraception for people with male genitalia :
Would you like more information? Feel free to call us or come on site, no appointment needed.
Do you want to (re)start a contraception? Feel free to call us or come on site to plan an appointment with one of our doctor.
!! The only contraception that also protects against STIs (sexually transmitted infections) is the condom !!
You can get condoms for free at all family planning centres.